2025 Tecmo Bowl懶人包,推薦清單整理


Arcade Archives TECMO BOWL (日英文版)

“TECMO BOWL”是TECMO在1987年發布的美式足球比賽。 作為WILDCATS或BULLDOGS的玩家進行體驗比賽。 預測對手的動作並偷球!使用傳球和奔跑來突破他們的線並得分驚人的觸地 ...

Tecmo Bowl

Tecmo Bowl is an American football video game developed and released by Tecmo. Originally released as an arcade game in 1987, the game features a large dual ...

Tecmo Bowl (NES)

Tecmo Bowl is an American football arcade game developed and released by Tecmo in 1987. The game was both successful in the arcades, and as a 1989 port for the ...

Tecmo Super Bowl

Tecmo Super Bowl is an American football video game for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) that was released in December 1991. Developed by Tecmo ...

Tecmo Super Bowl (NES)

Tecmo Super Bowl is an American football video game for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) that was released in 1991. Developed by Japanese video game ...

Tecmo Super Bowl (Renewed)

Tecmo Super Bowl for the Nintendo Entertainment System is the classic 1990s football game featuring NFL teams, plays and realistic graphics for its era.

Tecmo Super Bowl

THis is one of the best games ever. It's a lot better than the orginal two Tecmo Bowls on NES. There's no Bo Jackson in this game, except Barry Sanders is ...


Perhaps this will one day you'll see a new retro type game release that plays exactly like the old NES Tecmo Super Bowl. You can find the ...